Sparge/Wort Aerator Heads

After promising several people late last year that I would make them a sparge/wort aerator head, I have finally managed to get some time to make them – apologies for the long wait 🙁

I’ve made a few of them, one to fit 10mm pipe and one to fit 15mm pipe.  Previously the 10mm pipe size was the preferred choice – possibly because it was easy to get 10mm stainless tube but I am not actually sure.

Anyway, they are made of stainless steel and are of solid construction.  If you would like to buy one, please click on the paypal link below next to the size that you require.  Please ensure your address in Paypal is correct because that is where I will post them unless otherwise advised.  Price includes postage to most UK addresses – if you want one posting to the Highlands and Islands or abroad, contact me and I will get a price for you.

sparge head 10mm
sparge head 10mm - cost £23 each inc postage

(26th January 2015) Sorry, I have now sold all of the 10mm ones that I made. I am not currently planning on making any more at the moment but feel free to email if interested.


sparge head 15mm
sparge head 15mm - cost £25 each inc postage

(29th Sept 2014) Sorry, I have now sold all of the 15mm ones that I made. I am not currently planning on making any more at the moment but feel free to email if interested.

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